Thursday, January 01, 2015


My first assignment for the Capture 30 class was to capture 15 things about me. Here they are: I am strong. My word for 2014 was strengthen, and I feel so much stronger today than I did this time last year! I have strong opinions, a strong faith, and a strong body (although it could use more exercise) I am a dreamer-I spend a lot of time dreaming up ideas and projects that rarely get completed. I am a reader-the Bible, Christian fiction, self-help books, children’s, romance novels, mystery novels, magazines, blogs, facebook. I am a thinker-not a doer. I am NOT organized. I am not a planner-which makes me great at living in the moment-I rarely get upset if plans change  I consider myself a “go with the flow” kinda gal. I am a southern girl from Georgia-I drink sweet tea, love grits, say “yes ma’am” and “bless your heart”. I am a consumer- a consumer of products, clothes, etc. Whatever you are selling, I’m buying. I am an elementary teacher. My favorite subject to teach is writing-probably because I enjoy reading what students have to say. That being said… I am not a writer-I dream of being a great writer but… I am a perfectionist. I worry too much about what people will think. I fret too much over having just the right words. I am a great editor. I can “fix” writing for others. I am a “tweeker”. I borrow ideas and gain inspiration from others and “tweek” it to make it work for me. I am a family gal. Most of my free time is spent with my family. I have been married for 30 years and have 2 wonderful daughters. I am a Nana! My grandson is 18 months old and brings me so much joy. Here's to a year of capturing who I am in writing! What do you hope to capture in 2015?

One Little Word

Who would have thought it would be so difficult to choose a word for the year. I have chosen a word each year for several years including Focus, Organize, and Strengthen. Last year, I enrolled in Allie Edwards’ class and really connected with my word. I enrolled again for 2015. I thought I had found my word in November when I came across a stamp with the word BE in the center and creative, grateful, inspired, etc. around the outside. Be seemed like the perfect word-I could just be whatever rather than working so hard (strengthen was hard work). Then I started reading about gratitude and thought that might be my word because I need to work on that area of my life. I heard a Christmas song called “I Need a Silent Night” by Amy Grant and thought silent should be my word. I need to be silent and listen more, silent and not talk so much, etc. I also toyed with words like Joy, embrace, happy, create, cultivate, write, lift, and shine. I even started a Pinterest board for sunshine because I liked that word so much-be sunshine, live in the sunshine, make your own sunshine. Originally I wanted something easy, something doable. However, when it comes down to it, I have never been an easy kind of gal. I like to stretch myself, and my thinking. I really wanted my word to help me grow. The word that kept coming back to me was Capture-thank you Heidi Swapp for the idea and class! I want to capture memories, thoughts, ideas. My goal for 2015 is to capture in writing my thoughts, blessings, struggles, ideas, dreams, goals, and memories. I still think I can work in capturing the sunshine too  Here’s to a Happy New Year and a new word-Let’s CAPTURE all that 2015 has to offer! I would love to hear what word you have chosen for 2015 and how you chose it.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Another try

It's been a long while- but I have decided to give this blog another try. I'm still deciding on my ole for 2015, but I know one of my goals is going to be to write more and blogging will provide a space for that writing. Here's to a blessed New Year!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Welcome 2014

Wow I looked at my previous post-last years resolutions. Seems they are the same every year. This year I will be focusing on one word. I am participating in Ali Edwards class, one little word. The word I have chosen is STRENGTHEN. I hope to Strengthen my faith, my body, and my relationships. I will remind myself that, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Hopefully I will blog about this journey- seems I have neglected blogging in favor of Facebook :(

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! 2012 was a good year for our family.  Katie graduated college and Jennifer and Kelly conceived my first grandbaby.  I can not wait to hold Brody in April when he arrives.  I always make resolutions for the new year, and this year is no exception.  I am resolving to:
1. Spend daily time in God's Word
2. Move More
3. Eat Healthy

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Change of Plans

I still plan to read Wonder to my class, but during open house I met many new 5th graders who told me their favorite book was The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I made a spur of the moment decision to share a similar book by James Patterson called Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life. The main character is really having a hard time fitting into middle school. We are not going to read the entire book-just previewing it this week to spark discussion and interest. I think the students are really enjoying it-we are reading it via Kindle on our Promethean Board-how cool is that-the kids love getting to see the pictures on the big screen! We are working on the Comprehension strategies of Making Pictures in our Minds and Making Connections as well as Vocabulary strategies. We learned how to use context clues to understand meaning-I learned a new word: rents (slang for parents) and my students used context clues to figure out the meaning of the word execution. The first 20 chapters are available on Kindle as a free download preview if you are interested. Happy Reading

Monday, August 06, 2012

Love My Classroom

I spent a good deal of time redoing my classroom this year, and I am very pleased with the results. Thanks to all the wonderful teachers out there who share their ideas! Here are a few pictures

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Voices Board

I am finally happy with my Voices Board for writing. It is modeled after the CAFE board and helps kids focus on specific skills in their writing. I got the idea from this great blog post linked on Pinterest